Jusuf, Surraya (Süruir) (Skopje, 1923 – Orren, RT 1977) – graduated from the Group Oriental Philology in Belgrade. He was a professor at the School School in Skopje, professor at the Pedagogical Academy in Pristina, editor of the magazine. Works: We and our language, Turkish grammar, poetry of Turkish poets from Yugoslavia, Ali Aga, short stories, and prieven Turkish speech (published after his death); He translated into Turkish, the works of Yugoslav authors: Miroslav Krleža, Branislav Nusic, Bora Stankovic, and Turkish in Serbia translated the works of Turkish authors Phausil Husnu Douglar, Aziz Nezin, Sait Faik. Lit.: Babar Selim, Zougoslav’a Turk Hickalers, Tan, accumulated, 1977. A. Aga Ferenc Yuhas Yuhas, Ferenc (Ferenc Yuhasz) (Bia, Hungary, 16. ⅷ 1928) – One of the largest Hungarian and European poets of XX. The first poetic collection was announced in 1949, and then my father (1950) and a corrupt state (1954). His first dozen poetic books in the period (1946 to 1970) were issued in two volumes under the title of the universe. Then a new choice was published in two volumes that were transformed into deer (1971) and the Gate of the Secret (1972). The book The Golden Sword of Select was published in 1973. In 1992 He received a golden wreath at the SVP. BIB.: Dead Kos (the greatest Hungarian EP, 1985); The black eagle king (1988); The return of the deceased (1988) and Underground Lilia (1991). Lit.: P. Gilevski, lush poetry visions, poetics of two Bega, Skopje, 1995. P. Gil.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈУСУФ, Суреја