Angelovski, Todor Petrev (Tosho Daskal) (Pseud. Strictive) (v. Lions, Bitola, 16. ⅶ Todor Angelovski (Tosho Daskal) 1908 – p. Lions, 12. 1943) – Teacher, Communist Deper, one of the organizers and Heads of a NOD in Bitola. As a member of the CPY (1937), he was a member of the MK of the CPY for Bitola (1939). As a reserve lieutenant of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, with his unit, he opposed to the German army in the monopoly in Bitola. Since the beginning of 1942 He was in the illegality, and then the fighter of the NOOP “Pelister”, the commander of the NOOP “Jane Sandanski”, NOOO “Goce Delchev”, NOOO “Dame Gruev” and the second operating zone of New and Pom (May 1943). He committed suicide at the blockade of his native village from the Bulgarian police. Lit.: Ilija Jankulovski, the bright character of the teacher Todor Angelovski-Daskal, “Enlightenment”, ⅶ, 4-5, Skopje, 1951, 72-77; Ace Ristevski, Todor Angelovski-Strange, Bitola People’s Liberation Partisan Determines, Bitola, 1982, 454-456; Pande Tashkovski, teacher and revolutionary Todor Angelovski – Tosho Daskalov, “Development”, Jesia, 8-9, Bitola, 1984, 505-537; Jovan Dimkov Kocankovski, Todor Petrev Angelovski-Strotov, Bitola, 1987. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНГЕЛОВСКИ, Тодор Петрев