Ivic, Paul (Paul Ivy) (Belgrade, 1. ⅻ 1924 – Belgrade, 19. IX 1999) – Serbian linguist, Slavist, Srbocoatist, language theorist, language historian, dialectologist, regular member of SANA Since 1978, MANU member outside the working composition (1986). Founder of the Serbian School of Structural, Functional Linguistics, author of the modern classification and monographic description of Serbian dialects, author of several hundred papers in the field of Serbian, South Slavic and Slavic dialectology, part of them and a lasting place in the history of theoretical linguistics. Bib: An edperimental Stud (ANN Arbor 1963), Serbian people and Njegov Jesik (Belgrade 1971), O Jezic Uncommittee and Sadaway (Belgrade – Pristina 1990); Overall works P. Ivicha (11 volumes). Lit.: Scribe JJVIJI-JJVII, Novi Sad 19841985; Life and deed academic paula oviates, Subotica – Novi Sad – Belgrade, 2004. Z. T.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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