Ivanov, Tomislav (Prilep, 1929 – 1993) – Geologist. He graduated from the Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade (1954). He started his career in the geological artist of the SRM. In 1965 Defended the doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Mining and Geological Faculty in Belgrade on the topic: “Metalogenic of the southern part of the Vardar zone” and was elected professor at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Skopje. In the period 1969-1973 Worked as an expert and consultant for the United Nations projects for researching mineral resources in Egypt. In 1977 He was a member of the Home Commission for the establishment of the RGF in Stip and is the first selected regular professor. In two terms, he was elected for Dean of the Mining and Geological Faculty in the period 1983-1986. Author of several scientific papers. He discovered the deposit ‘rzhaneman. T. Sir.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИВАНОВ, Томислав