Zoougeographic areas – the science studying the spread of the lands of the globe and determines the basic laws of this distribution is called zooteography. The territory of Macedonia belongs to two zonobioma – Zonobiom of Mediterranean semolys (characteristic types: Tsarus Hamulosus, Azantch Aseleaus, Erzngium Tsitstra, E. Palmatum, Charthamus Lanatus, Zonobioma on sub-Mediterranean Balkan forests (characteristic types: Luertus Pucults, o. Table, Lj. Trojana, Lj. Cerrris, Colzzzpinifolia, Tsorus Tsoluk, Puretis Australis, Condatagus Orientalis, Cottinus Thakhrea, Czranga Vulgaris, Azer Tataritzum, A. Monspesulanum, Tilnus Argenteto, Platus Orientalis, Juagens Nigra), Type of local, individualized oases, mainly on the river Vardar, there is zonobioma of Mediterranean coastal forests and mats (characteristic types: Juniorus Odzondok, Palaurus Atzuleaus, Boody Semperavirens). The vertical breakdown of the relief in Macedonia allows them to differentiate five more orobiomes – Balkan Central European forests (there is a special Macedonian Krajina, and characteristic types are: Fagus Silvatica, Frajinin Egcezorus, Tsarpinus Beatoulus, Torzlus Abellana, Ljuberzus Robur, Lj. Petrres Vulgaris) , European forests of the Type of Team (poorly represented in Macedonia), European high mountain stones, tundri and highland pastures (characteristic species: Drcas OCCOPETALA, Viccinium Uliginosum, Arctheshalomos of Ursi, Emphasum Hermaphrodum, Erriopchusum Vagina-Tum …), Mediterranean mountain forests The stoneworks (distinctive species: Pinus Peuchce, P. Haldreittias, P. Nitrasiana, Abies Borizi-Registry, Dapne Oleeys, Dapkne Blaga, Bruckenthalia Stukulifolia …) And Southern mountain stones and dry pastures (characteristic types: Azantholimon, Arabis, Arabis Bresides, Ramonda Navilia, Ramonda Serbica, Natchain Szardzum …). D. PR. Laboratory in Zoopholic Institute
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet