Protection of the tree in the Republic of Macedonia

Protection of the tree in the Republic of Macedonia – Applied scientific discipline that studies the nature of the tree destruction in general caused by xylfagnic insects and epensile fungi, which find the most efficient and most economical measures for suppressing the factors triggers of this process. It studies the course of destruction, reveals the causes, classifies, determines their economic significance and explores their effects in conditions of certain geographical areas and in conditions where the tree is used. Significant xylphadium insects that damage and destruct the tree in our country are: Anoobium Puncatum de Geer, Anobium Pertinge L., LSCTUs Lineaarus Geeze, Colorzchus Captus L., Hilrupus Baeoulus L., Strazvic Fulvaus Will., Callacusium L., PSRacidium and Phamatodes Testasus L., while the epics fungi are from the gender: Fomes, Ungula, Fistula, Tsiolus, Tramtes, Paulus, Sterrium, Lazys, Merulius, Poria, Phaellinus, Armilaria. ST. N.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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