Zahariadis, Nikos (Orban, 1903 – Soulut, USSR, 1973) – Secretary General of the CPG. After 1924 He settled in Greece and 1931. He became a secretary of the CPG Central Committee, and in 1935 the party’s Secretary General. In 1941 He was interned by the Germans at the Dahau camp. After returning to Greece, he stopped at the head of the CPG. On 13. ⅱ 1946, after his advocacy, the CPK CC brought a decision on an armed struggle for taking power. After the defeat of DAG (1949) emigrated to the USSR. In 1955 He came into conflict with the new leadership of the KPSS, spent and interned. He died in Sigurt in Siberia. Regarding the Macedonian national issue in Greece, it was implementing a policy in favor of Greek national interests. Lit.: Aegean Macedonia in NOB, ⅵ, 1949, Skopje, 1983. st. KIS. “Protection” / “Security”
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЗАХАРИЈАДИС, Никос