Enuku, Suu.

Enuutlu, Suut (Suut Engüllü) (Skopje, 25. ⅶ 1950) – poet, short story writer, anthologist, translator of Turkish nationality in the Republic of Macedonia. He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Worked as a journalist in Radio Skopje, a journalist in the editorial “Birtlik”, editor of the magazine Pesler. Translates literary creations in Turkish language from Macedonian authors. He now lives and works in the Republic of Turkey. Member is the DPM since 1975. BIB.: Wrong, 1972; In memory of a child from Kumrovec, 1981; From love tired, 1983; For one Sevin and for a revolution, 1980. Lit.: Macedonian writers, SK., 2004, 90. A. Akh Enichrev, Nikola Ganchev

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЕНЃУЛУ, Суат

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