Children’s organizations -. Organized forms of children’s association. There are many types of children’s organizations in Macedonia: Centers for childhood creativity, clubs in the field of technique, science and sports, holiday and recreation organizations, Red Crossians, etc.. The most famous and most massive childhood organization until the early 1990s was the pioneering organization. It is established during the NOB and until 1990, when it was renamed the children’s organization of Macedonia, it acts as an alliance of pioneers of Macedonia. As the Yugoslav children’s organization was established at the first US Congress (Bihac, 1942). The first pioneering associations in Macedonia are formed during the NOB (Skopje, Prilep, Bitola). The pioneering organization was the only educational and social organization for children aged 7 to 14 years. Members of the pioneer organization became all children in the first grade, at a ceremony, organized on the occasion of the Day of the Republic (November 29th), when they received a red pioneering scarf, a cap with a five-story star, badge and member-ski booklet. The objectives, tasks, content and organization of the work of the pioneering organization were in line with the commitments in the individual stages of social development and the general objectives of education and education. By a decision of the presidency of the Association of Socialist Education and Care for the Children of Macedonia and the Council of Piones of Macedonia (11. IX 1990), the pioneering organization was renamed the children’s organization of Macedonia, with the main goal of contributing to the overall development to the child’s personality. Lit.: A. Baracoska, Child and his organization, Skopje, 1996. K. Camb.
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