Damcevski Kocin, Per Borisov

Damcevski Kocin, Per Borisov (village Zvan, Demir Hisar, 20. ⅵ 1942) – writer, journalist and socialist. Upon completion of the secondary technical school in Bitola, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics (Cybernetics) in Prilep and in 1978. emigrate to Australia. He completed two years of study at the Department of Macedonian Language and Literature of the University of Sydney. He writes poetry, prose, dramatic texts, aphorisms and articles in the media in Australia and Macedonia. He is a member of the Writers’ Association (2005) and the Society of Journalists of Macedonia (2002). He participates in the Struga Poetry Evenings (1990 and 1994) and at the World Poetry Congress in Sydney (2001) and represented by verses in more anthologies. It is versatically engaged in the activities of the Macedonian emigration in Australia: the Macedonian literary society “Grigor Prlicev” in Sydney, the Macedonian Pros-Victory-school board for NSW, the Council of the Ethnic Communities of NSW, Secretary of the Days of Macedonian Culture in Australia (1986 and 1988 ), the MPCO “St. Five “and KUD” Ilinden “in Raddelel. The activist is the party of the Macedonian diaspora “remember” (2002). BIB.: FUTURE Neitheridal (Sydney, 1997); Macedonia altar, (Stip, 2006); Historic dramatic display damn night (Sydney, 1996). Bl. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДАМЧЕВСКИ КОЦИН, Перо Борисов

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