Grago, Naum (Skopje,? 1939) – University professor, lawyer. Primary and secondary education ended in his hometown, Kuggrigorichev Paramian: Impairs and initials Naum Grazen De who graduated (1965) and PhD at the Faculty of Law on the topic “Development and forms of scientific thought for organizations” (1975). At the same faculty is elected assistant (1971), and then for full professor (1985) after administrative law and public administration. There has been a greater number of scientific papers on administrative and comparative law and in the field of military science. It also deals with the translation activity of legal and political literature in multiple languages. BIB.: Naum Grabeli, basic notions of the Management Science, Skopje, 1981.Lith: Faculty of Faculty – Fifty Years 1951 – 2001, Skopje, 2001. St. w. Grind (Great, Greenenika)
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