City parks in the Republic of Macedonia – Formed between the two world wars or in the fifties and sixties of ⅹⅹ c., When the development of cities is planned. The first city park “Dopageek” in Bitola was erected in 1860, but not preserved. Following are city parks in: Skopje (the first part, 1905-1908), Bitola (1924- 1928), Prilep (1925-1930), Veles (1923-1930). In the second half of ⅹⅹ c. The city parks were formed in: Skopje (50 ha), Strumica (8.4 ha), Bitola (7.2 ha), Veles (7 ha), Stip (5.5 ha), Kumanovo (5.4 ha), Radovis (5 ha), Ohrid (5 ha), Sveti Nikole (2.5 ha), Prilep (1.8 ha), Kavadarci (1.7 ha), Vinica (1.2 ha). In other cities the areas of city parks are smaller and moving to half a hectare. Most of the sports parks in: Skopje, Negotino, Ohrid, Struga, Sveti Nikole, Radovis and memorial parks in: Prilep, Stip, Veles, Kavadarci, Krusevo, Gevgelija, Ohrid. The history of city parks in the Republic of Macedonia investigated Orestie Krstic (1934), Slavcho Medieval Fortress Jungle – Markovi Towers, p. Monastery, Mariovo City Park in Skopje Jakov (1954) and Dragan Solevski (1985). Notes on the existence of premises for rest and outlet in and about the cities left the pathopisic Evliya Celebija (ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c. City parks are regulated in the style of landscape parks and abound a variety of dendroflora, so some of them represent small botanical gardens. ST. H. P.
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