General Diocese. (St. Head is the third MES where St. Clement lived. Where the city was located (also known with the Greek name Kaal-AV), is not known, probably in the western part of Ohrid, towards the sea. The principal diocese is first mentioned in the list of dioceses of lion wise (886-912). Toward the end of xi c. It was set aside from the Ohrid Archbishopric and Bi-La joined the Dr. Metropolis, in ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c. He was returned to Ohrid, and in ⅹⅴ c. It was abolished and its territory was connected to the Berato diocese. Lit.: Ivan Snarar, the historus of the Ohrid Archbishopia, and-ⅱ, second photo edition, Sofia, 1995; Ratomir Grozdanoski, the Bible in the works of St. Clement of Ohrid, Skopje, 2001; Ivan Snarar, on the diochyeau of St. Kliment Ohridski, Sophie®, 1932; It, after Vuproza for the Diocese of Kliment Ohridski. SB. Kliment Ohridski 916-1966, Sofia, 1966; John Belchovski, Ohrid Archbishopric since the foundation to the fall of Macedonia under Turkish rule, Skopje, 1997. Rat. Gr. Gazette
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