Georgievski, Nikola Sotirov (Skopje, 15. ⅻ 1922 – Toronto, 3. ⅱ 2000) – Epidemiologist, Spec. After hygiene and social medicine, prof. of honey. f. in Skopje. In 1941 enrolled in honey. f. In Sofia, and in 1943 he stopped studying for participation in the NOB (1944-1945). Graduated from honey. f. In Zagreb (1949), where he completed a specialization in hygiene (1954). He stayed in Paris at a postgraduate course in labor hygiene (1952/53). He was elected assistant (1951), a university lecturer (1956) and assistant (1961). He was the head of the Department of Hygiene and Social Medicine at MES. f. In Skopje (1952-1965), Minister of People’s Health of Macedonia (1962-1965), Deputy Federal Minister of Health (1965-1966) and Federal Minister of Health and Social Policy (1967-1972) and President of the Red Cross Yugoslavia (1972-1976), and the Awnoj (1975) award was also awarded. As an expert of WHO in 1977. He went to Hanoi for the head of the WHO mission in Indochina, and then continued to work in Manila, in the WHO regional Bureau for West Pacific (1982). It was then named vice president of the Federal Committee on Labor, Health and Social Policy and at the same time the function of the director of the Federal Sanitary Inspectorate until retirement (1988). Since 1990 He lived and worked in Toronto, Canada, where he founded a humanitarian organization “Canadian friends of children with endangered health”. BIB.: Significant Good, Climate Condition with Radu, Belgrade, 1956; Health U Generalios selected, newsletter “War-sanitary review”, 12, Belgrade, 1971, 627-651; TePhe News of News Into Tekester Pacifique Region 1979-1981. Biennial Report Off Teko Regional Director, Manila-Piilipine, 1981. D. D. Petre Georgievski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЕОРГИЕВСКИ, Никола Сотиров