Gabril, Gjorgji Nacev

Gavrilical, Gjorgji Nacev (St. Nikole, 11. ⅳ 1911 – Skopje, 17. ⅻ 1987) – Doctor-epidemiologist, Primaryius, Society. Upon completion of honey. f. In a white city (1937) worked as a general Lirior Gavrilian Carr in Macedonia until 1943; haunted and often closed. He was a member of ASNOM. After the liberation, he performed more social functions: Pom. Minister of People’s Health in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (1946), member of the House C Commission for MES. f. in Skopje (1947). It was elected for a regular prof. After epidemiology and verdice (1949) of honey. f. He is credited with the eradication of malaria in Macedonia. President of the MMA (1948-1950). Lit.: “MMP”, 1-2, Skopje, 1980. D. S.-B.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАВРИЛСКИ, Ѓорѓи Нацев

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