
High. (s. Berans) – necropolis under the tumules of iron time (and and ⅱ). Three tumulas were discovered in 1954. The largest gender tumul with 47 graves of stone slabs, deployed radially around the oldest central grave is investigated. Around them there is a ring of stones. Wealthy grave attachments were found: geometric skipphos, the glassy fibula, a spiral fake, Labris and a sword (in the central set tomb of the country) and manually worked high in the village. Beranci – part of the graves in tumul and rough ceramics, bronze needles, double needles, earrings, vaults Makova Caska, spears, beads of bronze and glass paste, etc. (in other graves). The findings are kept in the Office and Museum in Bitola. Lit.: D. Mitrevski, Prohibostorian communities in Macedonia, Skopje, 1997, 96. D. Z.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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