Religious schools in Macedonia

Religious schools in Macedonia – secondary schools for preparation and education of staff for the needs of church services and religious rituals of various religions, outside the state education system. According to the Constitution, all religions have the right to apprenticeship staff for their religious needs. The Orthodox and Muslim community (Skopje, one school) have organized their own religious schools. The first Orthodox school in Macedonia is open in 1869. In Stip by the famous pedagogue Joseph Kovachev, and was called the Pedagogical-Theological School. Try to open such schools in ⅹⅰⅹ c. There were also in other cities (Prilep, Bitola, Skopje). Among the two world wars Theological school with a four-year course was open in Bitola (1921) by the Serbian Orthodox Church for preparing qualified priests. Within the Muslim religion, the school of this kind is known under the name Medresa. The oldest such school is considered Isaac-Bago Madrasa, founded in Skopje in 1440. In 1924 This school was founded in Skopje under the name Great Medresa. Although the teaching is provided in Turkish, it was conducted in Serbian. Lit.: R. Cantarziev, history of education and educational in Macedonia, Skopje, 2002. K. Camb. Religious Trust of the Main Headquarters of New and Pom

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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