Viana, Andre (Waillance, André) (Suzon, 1. ⅶ 1890 – Paris, 23. ⅳ 1977) – French Slavist, classical philologist and novelist, correspondent MANU member (of 25. ⅻ 1969). He was a professor of Financial Nationa Des Langu Langoes Orieeneles, a Shipjuje de Husettes and Zollée de Franca, the successor of Andre Mazon. The first immediate touch with Macedonia had as a French soldier of the Thessaloniki Front at the time of World War I. Then, as a secret speaker in the main headquarters, he had a task in the “surroundings of Lerin to examine the linguistic situation, customs and monuments”, and he also started collecting Macedonian folk songs and stories. In addition, among other things, I found that “in Macedonia, Serbian and Greek, there is only Macedonian language …” In his scientific research, he was especially interested in the Old Slavic language and literature, the comparative grammar of the Slavic languages, etc. He also dealt with the Macedonian dialectology and the Macedonian language within the South Slavic language group. He is the author of about two dozen books and many articles and other articles. After the catastrophic Skopje countries – Andre Viane: Comparative grammar of Slavic nryte (1963), in Send books to Skopje. He was a correspondent member of Jaze and Sanu. BIB.: Marko Kingevic ET La Villa, “Réuez Des isdudes Slaves”, ⅶ, Paris, 1928; Les Thants Épiljes Des Slaves Du court, Paris, 1932; Le Probble Du Slave Mazédonen, “Bulelin de la Socéété de Lyngucty de Paris”, Wall 39, 2, but 116, Paris, 1938, p. 195; Mélanges Jules Lagras, Paris, 1939; Marko Kingevic Etle Dream Fijylre Andriaš, Mélanges Henry Grecoir, and, Brugelles, 1949; UN Lehiques Macéein du ⅹⅴⅰ Siéézle, Paris, 1958. Lit.: Dr. Blaze Ristovski, processes from Macedonian literary and national history, ⅲ, Skopje, 1990, 196-197; It, profiles and reports from Macedonian literary history, and Skopje, 1982, 17-24. S. Ml. Gustav Wejgand.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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