The name dispute of the Republic of Greece with the Republic of Macedonia – disagreement, mutually contradictory claim of the WG and RM expressed in the specific claim of RGR to the Republic of Macedonia not to use the Republic of Macedonia not only in the bilateral, but also in any other international communication, ie defending The internationally-legally guaranteed right of the Macedonian people (politically organized in the Republic of Macedonia) of self-determination (which includes the right to free choice of the name of the state), i.e. insistence on non-discrimination in relation to the Republic of Macedonia. The dispute exists from the reconstitution of the Republic of Macedonia. Dispute RM in 2008 He brought it to resolve the International Court of Justice in The Hague. For his resolution, a political (diplomatic) method – negotiations under the auspices of the UN, with Resolution 817 (1993) of the UN Security Council, defined as a condition RM to be admitted to the UN membership and obligation, while using the temporary Reference FYROM. Lit.: Tatiana Petrushevska, several facts about the types of actions for whose implementation is the competent International Court of Justice – Several conclusions regarding the type of procedure that (not) could be undertaken on the occasion of the Macedonian-Greek name dispute, Proceedings : EU integration – Ideas-Conditions-realization, Skopje, 2002. T. Petr. Macedonian representatives of the 13 paralympic Games in Beijing, China (2008)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet