
Tennies (Center) – Shpened parasitic worms. Sexually mature individuals encountered in the gut of the vertebrates, and young individuals live in the bodily cavity of many invertebrates and vertebrates. Have a body with solid and thick cuticle and reduced digestive system. The group covers over 3,800 species. In Macedonia, 10 species are known. The most famous is the dog teeth (Desslidium Candonum L.), with length up to 40 cm. Parasite in the dog. As intermediate hosts of this tapes, dog fleas and lice appear, with which children are most often infected in the game with dogs. Lit.: Jonce Sapkarev, a zoology of invertebrate animals, Skopje, 1991; Vladimir Rowz, Branislava Mihailova, Biodelysitis off Mac Edldonia Fromm I Vinj Point Off Zyther Faunisti. Participate Site Unditzt: Classes Inspit, Final Report, Skopje, 1999, 23-30; Group of authors, TSUNS Stade Fort Biodaversitis off the Republic of Macedonia (FIRST VATHAL REPORT), Skopje, 2003. V. T. K.- M Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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