Teke Serseem Ali-Baba (Tetovo, built between 1538-1548) – a religious building, a monument of culture. It is known as Arabati Baba Teke, raised by Serasem Ali Baba, a member of the dervish sect Bektashi. It is a complex of multiple facilities: mosque, turbines, living, semechane (place for prayer of the dervish), shadrav, etc. Toward the end of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c. Tetovo Pasha Abdurahman erected and a konak. Special beauty of some of the objects are carved ceilings. In part of the tek, dervishes of the Bektashi dervish order are housed. Lit.: Azverdi Ekrem Hakki, Avrova – Osmanlk Mimarge Icleri. Zougoslavia, LLL Cild, 3. Kitab, Istanbul, 1981; Nikos Chausidis and others, Macedonia: Cultural Heritage, Skopje, 1995. Dr. F. Teutay coin, averse / revers
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТЕЌЕ СЕРСЕМ АЛИ-БАБА