Strumica Carnival – Carnival connected with the feast of the Great Podladi (among the people most commonly known as a ban). It is held every year in the trimmer days, at the beginning of the Easter post. It is followed by masking, which aims to expel evil and desire for happiness and fertility. From traditional characters, the groom and the bride, the priest, the devil, etc. are striking. The carnival ends on Wednesday, when traditional blue animals goes to the homes of the directed girls and when they donate with Ski-Pi beds. Then there are erotic songs and say stories with erotic content as a reference to young people in married life. Participant of Strumica Carnival Carnival becomes S “more popular, and the number of participants from year to year increases more. It is obvious that the impact of more world famous carnivals. The manifestation has a growing number of associated manifestations, exhibitions of children’s ma-ski, drawings and cartoons, choice of best masks, scenic representations, etc. Since 1995 Strumica was received in the family of carnival cities FECC – Association of European Carnival Cities. M. Keith. Strumica field
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