Stojkovic, Miroslav (Skopje, 1935) – Construction engineer, full-time professor in the field of seismology. Graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (1963), Master’s Degree (1967) and PhD (1991) in IZIIS. By 1965 Worked in “Macedonia-ID”, from 1966 in IZIIS (from an assistant to full professor) of problems from engineering seismology, especially microbemors and local soil influences related to seismic risks, protection and prevention. He explored more strong earthquakes. He taught engineering seismology and seismic microorship. He published 53 papers in world, European, international and domestic conferences; He is the author of 11 scientific projects and over 200 professional papers. K. Tal. Gligor Stojkovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТОЈКОВИЌ, Мирослав