Stojanovic-Lafazanovska, Lydia Aleksandrova

Stojanovic-Lafazanovska, Lidija Aleksandrova (Skopje, 1965) – Philologist, scientific adviser. Researcher of folk poetry at the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov” in Skopje. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Skopje – Group General and Comparative Literature (1989). She was a master’s degree at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade on the topic “Movement of the” Makedonska People’s Kinji “(11. 1993) and received his doctorate at the Faculty of Philology” Blaze Koneski “in Skopje on the topic” The phenomenon of the initiation in the Macedonian folk literature “(11th and 1999) . Member is the editorial office of the SP. “Macedonian folklore”. BIB.: Tanical Lovelios of Life. The phenomenon of sacrifice in the Macedonian folk literature, Skopje, 1996; Homo initatiath. The phenomenon of the initiation in Macedonian folk literature, Skopje, 2001; The exodus of the Macedonians from Greece. Female stories of World War II and their exodus, Skopje, 2002 (with co-author); Methods of research of folklore, Skopje, 2005; Horizon’s folk culture, Skopje, 2006 .. Sources: 50 years Institute for Folklore. Bibliography of the edition of the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov” – Skopje and the master’s and doctoral dissertations of the collaborators 1950-2000. Prepared Mirjana Anastasova, Skopje, 2000, 101-102, 126-127 and 150; Report for election of scientific adviser on the workplace researcher of folk poetry at the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov” in Skopje, “Newsletter” at the University “St. Cyril; and Methodius “in Skopje, no. 927, Skopje, 1. ⅹ 2007, 102-104. S. Ml. Aleksandar Stojanovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТОЈАНОВИЌ-ЛАФАЗАНОВСКА, Лидија Александрова

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