Stefan Uros

Stefan Uros and (1220-1277) – Serbian King (1246-1276), the smallest son of King Stephen Chairs. It was interfered in the Nickusenespiri’s clash, sent an army in Macedonia (1257), as an ally of the Epirus, but in the Pelagonija battle (1259) he stopped on the side of Nicea. In his day, the miners came Sassy and started economic rise. He died in the monastery “Supposed”. Lit.: S. Stanojevi, Krla Uros, Annual Nikole Chupi, Speaker, 1935. K. Ag. Stephen Urosk ⅲ Decani (ok. 1285-?) – Serbian king (1321-1331), son of King Milutin. In the Civil War in Byzantium (1321-1328) supported Andronicus ⅱ, which lost the war. Byzantium and Bulgaria have concluded an alliance against him. In Battle of Velbuzd (1330), the Bulgarians defeated, and the Byzantines gave up the attack. He built the monastery of Decani, the throne took down the son of Dushan. Lit.: M. Zechevi, Life and Governmentvavina Stevana Decenk, Belgrade, 1903. K. Ag. Dear Stefania

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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