Smilevski, Kuzman.

Smilevski, Kuzman (village Tresonce, 1924) – contradicted the JNA. Before the Second World War he was a pupil. Since 1944 He joined Newm and became a member of the CPY. In the war, he was a political commissioner of Chief and Battalion, and then assistant to a political commissioner of a brigade. He performed the duty of the grade in the army and in the following, Chief of Department in the VM and VA. Graduated from the Visa Military Naval Academy of JNA. Since 1973 is retired. Lit.: Wars Lexicon, Belgrade, 1981. V. ST. Cvetko Smilevski Smilevski, Cvetko Vencov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СМИЛЕВСКИ, Кузман

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