Sirna Week

Sirna Week – Appointment of the week before the stench, from the meat week to the missed (Great) Pos. Then it is pressured for a fool, not eating me-with, but only dairy products. Because of this, this week is called a white week. On Monday this week (Seriny Monday) goes to the threshold, with catch and sour milk, it is running from one to the other end of the threshold and is called: Ellie to Jayme Topinits, / in summer to come to Way Bejse, / Yugu , Yugu, Yugu, … It is believed that it will provide a wind in the summer when it is done and the grain is flying. Lit.: Naum Celakovski, Debarca, rituals and ritual games, Skopje, 1984 M. Keith.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СИРНА НЕДЕЛ

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