Sion, Isaac (Thessaloniki, 16. 1916 – Belgrade, 28. 1994) – Bank Officer, Communist Deper, partisan fighter and politician; Jew. In 1920 The family moved to Stip. He completed the State Trade Academy in Skopje, studied at the high economic and commercial school in Zagreb, and then he was a clerk in the branch of the State Mortgage Bank in Ljubljana (since 1936). He was activist of Skotich and a member of the CPY (since 1940). After the April War (1941) he returned to Stip and joined the NOB (1941) as a member of the MK of the CPM (April 1942 – March 1943). Avoided the collection and deportation of the Jews (9. 1943) and was a fighter in the NOO “Goce Delchev” (1943), in the Sharplanin NOO (from 16. 1943) and the Kumanovo NOOP (from 10. ⅺ 1943) and Deputy Political Commissioner of Chief and Battalion of the Third Macedonian Nawb (from February 1944). He was a delegate of the first Amount of ASNOM, and then referred to a member of the KPM district committee in Stip (from August 1944) and was the secretary of the CPM District Committee in Strumica. After the liberation, he was a member of the CPM CC, Secretary General of the Prime Minister of the NRM, editor-in-chief of the CC organ of the CPM “party life”, Vice-Governor of the National Bank of FNRG in Belgrade, representative of the Federal Chamber of Commerce in London, etc. Av-Thor is more papers in the field of monetary system. The holder is a partisan monument 1941. Lit.: Strumica and Strumica in New 1943-1945. Materials from the scientific gathering held in Strumica on 26 and 27 April 1982, Strumica, 1983; Dr. Aleksandar Matkovski, History of Jews in Macedonia, Skopje, 1983; Shtip and Shtip at the National Liberation War 19411945. Attachments from the scientific gathering held on 17, 18 and 19 May 1990 in Stip, Book 1-4, Skopje 2000-2001. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СИОН, Исак