Sinai small mines

Sinai small mines – c. Fragments of Verbic Old Slavic texts. Sinai Massal 5 / n – verb manuscript from ⅺ c. (Tararandis) or ⅹ c. (Velcheva), which contains 80 poorly preserved sheets. Detected in 1975 In Man. “St. Catarina “of Sinai, where he is kept under SIGN. Slav. MS 5 / n. The text is associated with the Velikoreva period (Kirilometodievski translation of the Liturgy of Sts. Peter), and the transcript of Ohrid and the activity of St. Clement. For now, the manuscript is known only after the data and the tarnandis description. Lit.: I. Taranandis, Tezh Slavonitz Manuscripters Dispreciation Inn 1975 AC Taticherine’s Monster Monster Monster Sinai, Toheroniki, 1988, 103-108 (Description), 194-195 (Shot); I. Tararandis, the liturgy of St. Fiveíer after the о ÿ ÿкорска т 5 N. Medieval Hristianan Europe: Blast and West. Centers, Traditions, Ostiment, Medieval Zhhhristian Europa: East Andstist. Traditia, Curues, Tsmenatioti, Sofia, 2002, 213-219: For the dating c. B. Velcheva, “Palaeologic” 12, 3, 1988, p. 126. ZD. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СИНАЈСКИ МАЛ МИНЕЈ

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