Shurov (Chrov), Asen (Viden, 16. 1914 – Sofia, 4 ⅴ 1945) – poet, translator, journalist. Student in Literature at Sofia University. At the end of October 1938 In his apartment at ul. “Laulin” no. 20 In Sofia, the founding assembly of the Macedonian literary circle was held. His poetry is a strong social protest against capitalist society, with faith in the happier future of the working people, but also love for the enslaved and dismembered homeland Macedonia. He published in the newspapers: “Hill”, “youthful examination”, “Academic”, “Literary Critic”, “New Bambana”, “Contemporary”, “Jews”. The prepared stamping poet was destroyed (1939). Lit.: Vasil Tocinovski, three circles, SK., 1997. V. Tot.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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