Rug Bair (village of Gorubinci) – Neolithic settlement in Ovce Pole. Lo-cup of the middle neolith, Rug Bair, with. Gorubinci also you in the 70s. In the cultural layer of 1,40 m, three cultural horizons of living from the middle and late Neolithic, which are culturally and chronologically close with Anzabegovo – the Cultural Group (ⅱ-ⅳ c) were recorded. Lit.: S. Sarzoski, Rug Bair, Gorubinci, “AP”, 3, Belgrade, 1961, 16; C. Sanev, the Neolithic settlement Rug Bair in the village. Gorubinci, “Proceedings of the Stip National Museum”, ⅳ-c, Stip, 1975, 203-246. D. Z.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РУГ БАИР