Petkov, Dusan (Kumanovo, 20. 1923 – Skopje, 21. ⅲ 2003) – Architect, full professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical High School in Belgrade (1951). The entire working life spent the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje and an assistant to a full-time professor, he handed out the course design of industrial and commercial buildings. He also dealt with architectural design. He made over 80 residential, health, social and industrial facilities, most of which are also realized. Significant realizations: The residential and administrative facility “autoMacedonia” in Skopje (with Arch. K. Tomovski); The “Photo Center” building in Skopje; Consy factories in Kumanovo, Tetovo and Gevgelija; The “Jugohrom” factory in Jegunovce; The leather plant and leather accessories in Delchevo; The brick and ceramics plant in Kicevo; More individual and family residential buildings in Skopje, in Kumanovo and Sveti Nikole. Cr. T. Kiril Petkov Petkov, Kiril Mihailov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТКОВ, Душан