
Palicura – Early Christian basilica, located on the plateau along the right bank of the river Crna before the basin in Vardar, the ancient city of Stobi and east of the village of Palikura near Negotino. The basilica is erected on an elderly Roman construction, and itself originated from the late wound ⅵ c. with a later stage of development in the middle of ⅵ c. Partially preserved architectural remains on the ground point to the existence of a three-nave basilica accompanied by a likely ease of the east side, both part of a wider religious complex, a monastery. The terrain around the church in the Middle Ages served for funeral. Litt.: B. Aleksova, Stobi, Basilica in Palikura, 1981, GZFF, 10 (36), Skopje, 1983, 135-192. L. J. Palicle necropolis

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПАЛИКУРА

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