Organic chemistry in Macedonia. The teaching and scientific work in the area of organic chemistry in Macedonia began soon after the constitution of the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Philosophy, especially when for a freelance lecturer was elected (1947) Dr. Joseph Januv, one of the authors of the first published paper in this area ( 1955). Teaching in organic chemistry developed and was updated, and the institutions that were transmitted more numerous. In addition to the Faculty of Philosophy (later on PMF), organic chemistry was taught at the Technological Department of the Technical Faculty (the department later turned into TMF) at the Faculty of Pharmacy and, as a separate subject or within the courses of general chemistry, and other faculties. Lit: Natural and Mathematical Faculty – Skopje, 1946-1996, Skopje, 1996, 196; 60 years of natural and mathematical faculty – Skopje, Skopje, 2006, 209. B. w.
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