Mariovo – area in southern RM. It occupies the middle catchment area of Crna Reka. It is a natural whole, enclosed with high and secondary mountains such as: Nidze and Kozuv from the south, Glecka Mountain from the West, Dren Mountain from the north and Kozjak with some branches of M. Malahova: Mariovska Women’s People’s Nity (1953) Kozuv from the East. It covers an area of 1,038 km and is divided into two parts: Gorno or old Mariovo, which extends in the lower course of the r. Black in Mariovo and Dolno or young Mariovo, which occupies the upper basin of this river in Mariovo. However, the division of Bitola is more widespread, with a doctorate by defense of Mariovo, a stone bridge near the village of Zovik Lepski and Kavadarech Mariovo. Tectonic, the area with one part is integrated in the Vardar zone, and with another in the PelagonijaniClinorium. In the geological structure, sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic rocks with different ages are participated. The relief compiles three morphological units: high mountainous was, eruptive-erosive surfaces and hills and partly flat bottom. The climate is local with Mediterranean influence in the lowest part. The average annual air temperature in Staravina is 12.4 ° C, and the average annual precipitation 573 mm. The main river is black, which in Mariovo built one of the most beautiful gorges in Macedonia – the Scissivirian gorge. In M. There are 28 villages inhabited by Macedonians, they are all in the stage of resettlement. In 1961 They lived 13,403 h., and in 2002 Only 830 h remains. Deal with animal husbandry. Lit.: Aleksandar Stojmilov, etc., Mariovo, Geographical Faculty, Skopje, 1984. Al. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАРИОВО