Macedonian flag “(Sofia, and 1, 14. 1932 – ⅲ, 31, 1. ⅶ 1934) – A body of Macedonian progressive emigration in Bulgaria. Unofficial Weekly Authority of VMRO (OB) appearing after the abduction of Simeon Kavrakirov of Mihailists and is the widest expression of the Macedonian national thought, against fascism in the Macedonian movement and the Balkan Federation. It comes out in Bulgarian in 5000-6000 circulation under the occasional editorial of A. Martulkov, D. Kostov, A. Stoyanov and V. Ivanovski, and M. participate in the Redactation and cooperation. Smithacalev, P. Charlanziev, K. Veselinov and others. The newspaper clearly declares the National Line: “The Macedonian progressive movement is national, since it is as the national liberation of Macedonia. It is not a party, nor stalek or class, and after the character and composition is common, democratic, because its goal itself (national liberation of Macedonia. “Macedonian Flag” (1932 & 1934) is a generous, democratic task. The progressive Macedonian movement is for the sole front, except with other enslaved peoples, also with the suppressed classes of the ruling nations, but it does not even mean that it sets it in the first place, social before national issues. “” Abolished by the authorities, along with others Progressive periodical releases. Lit.: Dr. Boro Mokron, the development of the Macedonian press and journalism (from the first beginnings until 1945), Skopje, 1980, 330-334; Blaze Ristovski, portraits and processes of Macedonian literary and national history, ⅲ, Skopje, 1990, 363-373. Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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