
Krcelato (scratcher) – Children’s idiofessic stroke wooden instrument. They do the children themselves in the spring of a powder tree. There are four main parts – a quadrangular frame, tab, gear and a shaft handle that turns the seat. When turning the seat with the handle, the tab hits from one to another Zabec of the seat and so it is produced quickly scratching with a sharp sound. Children have fun competing by creating the strongest sound. Lit.: Dr. Aleksandar Linin, People’s Musical Instruments in Macedonia, Skopje, 1986, 20. F. M. F. Pano Krjovski Krzovski, Pano Dimitrov (village Vladimirovo, Berovo, 25. ⅹ 1939 – Skopje, 6. 1998), – mathematician, order. Prof. (1987) at the Ma-Kresynese Gorge of the Schianical faculty. He graduated (1964) of the PMF, Master’s Degree (1970) in Zagreb, and PhD (1981) at the Faculty of Mathematics in Skopje with the topic of contrary to the theory of H-semigroups and published papers in that area. He was demonstrated at the Faculty of Mathematics (1982- 1984) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1989-1990). N. C. River Kriva Lakavica

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КРЕЧЕТАЛО

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