Kodjoman, Vangel.

Kodjoman, Vangel (Struga, 14. 1904 – Skopje, 28. IX 1994) – Painter, Member of MANU, one of the founders of Macedonian contemporary art. Graduated from the Art School in Belgrade (1930). Retrospective exhibition was in Skopje (MoCA, 1976). The most common motive in his works (watercolors, pictures, drawings) are the landscape and the old city architecture. The artistic manuscript ranges from academic realism with postprint and cubist features, to elements of folkism and colorful expressionism (village of Peshtani, 1932; a motive from Ohrid, 1937; near Lake, 1936; motive from Prilep and 1956). Lit.: Ljubica Damjanovska, Vangel Kodzoman (Catalog), Skopje, 1976; Vladimir Velickovski, Vangel Kodzoman, 100 years of birth (catalog), Skopje, 2004. Z. Al.-b. Milos Kodzoman

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОЏОМАН, Вангел

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