Kjorveziroski, Mile

Kjorveziroski, Mile (Prilep, 18. V. 1928 – Skopje, 22. ⅵ 2008) – Philologist, attitude, culturalologist. He finished high school education in Prilep, and the Faculty of Philosophy (group for the Literatures of the Peoples of the SFRY, with a specialty history of the Macedonian language and dialectology) in Skopje (1954). Worked as an editor in Radio Skopje (1 x 1953 – 1. ⅳ 1954), after which he crossed the issuing company “Education Case”, where he spent the entire working life, first as an editor, then director (1969-1978) and again As an editor. One is from the authors of the first post-war bilingual dictionaries: a Serbian-Macedonian vocabulary (with F. Milosev, B. Blagojeski, A. Jucheski, 1964); Macedonian-Albanian vocabulary (with Lj. Russians) and Macedonian vocabulary (with K. Seffula, 1967). It is especially evaluated as a co-author of textbooks for primary and secondary education (for schools with Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish). Lit.: Bibliography of the publishing company “Enlightenment work” 1945- 1970, Skopje, 1970; Bibliography of the working organization “Enlightenment” 1970-1985, Skopje, 1985; Macedonian literary translators. Lexicon, Skopje, 1994. S. Ml. Vasil Nastosev Kjortoshev, Vasil (Bogdanci, 7. and 1920 – Skopje, 3. ⅱ 1992) – Opera Peshev, Tenor and director. He studied singing the Sofia Music Academy (Prof. Brambarov), and graduated (1952) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. As one of its founders, in the opera of the MNT worked from 1947 to 1980. Significant roles: Padril (grabbing from Sarad), Count Almavieva (Seville Berber), Alfred Irmon (Travia), Lenna (Evgeny One), Vaseak (Bride sold). As an opera director debuted in 1958. with the operation of the opera anger. He is the author of more than 25 renewards and custom performances of the operas: Albert Herring, Ball under the masks, Don Carlos, Nabucco, Norma, Spoké, Portrait of Jenny, Scaring, Partition, Fidelity. Jukonda, the chimeate semm. Successful director of the opera and ballet of MNT (1971- 1975). In 1972 he was an initiator, the founder and longtime organizer of the manifestation “May Opera Evenings”. F. M. Cyril Kjortosev Kjortoshev, Cyril (Kyustendil, Bulgaria, 14. ⅴ 1922 – Skopje, 11. ⅴ 2003) – Actor in the MNT drama. The first engagement as a professional actor had in 1945. Later, his career continued on the scenes of public theaters in Stip and Prilep. Several seasons spent at the Drama Theater in Skopje. Apart from acting, he also dealt with directing, especially the children’s stage. Ung: Magbet (in the eponymous work), Tom (“glass menageria”), perchhin (“Maladers”), Areton (“Wall, Water”), Alojoe Zilbebret (“Gentlo Glambaches”), etc. R. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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