“Holy Mother of God Eleusa” – Monastery Church built in 1080. In the s. Veljusa (Strumica). Her creator was the Strumica Bishop Manoel. It is a brick and plaster with a mortar, which gives a striking keramoplastic decoration. There is a form of a quadrock with an eighth dome over the central part. On the west side there is Narthex with a dome, and on the southern chapel dedicated to St. Spas. In ⅹⅰⅹ c. was built open porch. The fresco painting is partially saved, mainly in the parts of the chapel, the central part and the altar of the church, and originates from the time of construction (ⅺ c.). In ⅹⅰⅹ c. The partially preserved old paint was made new, without greater art value. The altar space is closed with iconostasis built of marble, with a preserved inscription of the architrative beam. There is a mosaic floor in the nave. Today “St. The Virgin Eleusa is a female monastery. Lit.: Archimandriteí Gerasimí, Materials after Geography of Strumica, “Library”, ⅲ, ⅹⅴⅰ-ⅹⅴⅰⅰ, Plovdiv, 1896; N. Okunjev, Cruan Church, Zagreb, 1925; L. Meleticí, Strumica monastery Chermki, 1926; C. Ivanoví, old Cídres and monasteries, 1926, J. Tati ¢, two memories decade of ⅹⅴⅰⅰ century. Church “St. The Virgin Eleusa, “s. Veljusa (1080) “Holy Mother of God Peribleptos” C Ca, 1928; F. MESSEL, Byzantine monuments, 1937; ™. Boskovs ¢, architecture Meeting of centuries, 1947 and 1967; M. Johns ¢, O watercids and Veljusi, 1959; P. Miljkovic-Pop, altar barrier, 1959; It, Veljusa, Skopje, 1981. K. B.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet