
Heraklius (575-641) – Byzantine king (610-641). Conducted successful Revenue Reforms; He introduced a language elimination, replaced the Roman imperial title with the title “Vasilevs”, established a new military-administrative provincial organization (topics) in the minor possessions. Laded an average inflation rate Source: Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance, Skopje, 11/12 2007, p. 61. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia, newsletters for the respective years; EBRD, Transmition Report 2003. Lit.: Taki Fiti, Economy – Fundamentals of the Economics, Skopje, 2007; Open challenges of the Macedonian economy, MANU, Skopje, 2004. T. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИРАКЛИЈ

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