Evliya Celebi

Evliya Celebi (Evlault ýBn Der-Vis Mehmed Zilley) (1611 – 1688) – the most famous Ottoman pathopisic. He traveled through the Ottoman Empire and wrote the great “pathogues” (“Seaught”) with Edevalia Celebi Eustral style. It covers countries, ends, cities, the palaces after which he traveled. The seedsmet contains a total of 10 large volumes, arranged chronologically, for the Balkan countries, they are particularly important in, ⅵ, ⅶ, because they contain descriptions of cities, palaces and villages. Backgrounds from the pathopis for our ends have been translated into SerbKochratal language, and the final and most complete translation of Hazim Shabanovic since 1954. For Macedonia, the seventh volume is interested, which gives a description of the cities of Skopje and the environment (page 294), Kumanovo (p. 294), Kriva Palanka (p. 296), Veles (p. 303), Prilep (p. 304 ), Bitola (page 305), the most extensive space in this Tom is dedicated to Ohrid Sandzak (p. 553-571) and description of the lodgings of Ohrid to Strumica (of p. 572-685). Lit.: Evliya Celebi, Putopopus – Steps O Yugoslav Salterma, Sarayevo; 1979; Little Encyclopedia Education, and, p. 566, Belgrade, 1978; Britanica encyclopedic vocabulary, REC. Ⅲ, Skopje, 2005, 118. A. Iz Jewishes in Macedonia

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЕВЛИЈА Челеби

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