Danube Society (La Socéété Danubenennein) (Paris, 1904) – Society of students from the Putnavian countries: Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, but also from Macedonia, established in order to act for bringing the Balkan countries and the autonomy of Macedonia, as the most pronounced and The only possible solution to the Macedonian question. That determination of students was contained in the program for the activity of the company, which issued their own newsletter “L ‘Union Danubienne”. Grigorie Hadzitachovic from Voden, at that time of study training in Paris, also participated in the company. He held a lecture on the Macedonian question, which was published in the body of the company (15. ⅵ 1904). Lit.: M. Minoski, the federal idea in Macedonia’s political thought, Skopje, 1985. M. Min.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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