Chickens, Blessed (Rallidae) – Family of small, to medium major gheriver bird (Gruiformes), with a short massive beak, with long fingers and a short tail. In Macedonia, 7 species live, out of a total of 9 known in Blacket Chicken (Gruiformes) Europe. Lit.: Bibdos Inn Euroope: Population Estimates, Trends and Conservantion status. Tsambird, “Bearlife International Convantion Smeis”, 12, Tsamridge, 2004; C. Harrison, an Atlas off Teke Bards of Tekester Palaierztitz, Vulner, 1982. St. P. – V. Sid.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОКОШКИ, БЛАТНИ