Antevski-CMOK, Ilija (Tetovo, 25. 1919 – Tirana, 16. 1943) – A member of the Advanced Student and Communist Movement. He was employed in the monopoly in Tetovo, an associate student at the Faculty of Law in Bel-City (1939), a member of the CPY and the MK (1941) and the instructor of the CPY District Committee on the part of the monument of Ilija Antevski-Smok in Skopje Macedonia under Italian Occupation. As a political commissioner of the Mavrovo Nopo, he was captured by Balists (27. ⅲ 1943) and attached to Tirana. After a brief hearing, he was sentenced to death with hanging and punishment was carried out in the tyrannical prison. Lit.: Dimce Saveski, the Orean Revolutionary Ilija Antevski-Smok, Tetovo and Tetovo in New 1941-1945, REC. 2. VL. Iv.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНТЕВСКИ-СМОК, Илија