Andreevski, Blagoje Dimitrov (Skopje, 22. ⅰ 1927) -Mashin engineer. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zagreb (1954). Then he worked at the Chocolate Factory and Cupse “Josip Krash” in Zagreb (1954-1955); In Yugopath in Skopje (1955-1962); In the organic-chemical industry “Ohis” – Skopje (1961-1969); At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje (1969-1988). In 1962 he was elected a freelance professor, from 1969 he is in full-time employment, and then full professor (1978- 1988). He received his PhD in 1978. He was a dean of the electro-mechanical faculty in Skopje (1973-1975). Under His Mentoring Master’s degree and received more candidates. He is the author of the basic textbook after thermodynamics. Scientific and vocational area: Thermal powerics and thermotechnics (energy plants, refrigerant techniques, geothermal and solar energy, etc.). He is the author of a number of research studies, ideas and main projects in the field of thermoeneers and thermotechnics. Assigned Hido’s expert from the Federal Institute for International Cooperation – Bell-City. Fig. A.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНДРЕЕВСКИ, Благое Димитров