Brankovic, Vuk (? – 6. ⅹ 1398) – nobleman, suppressed by Volkushence, withdrew from Ohrid of Ballic possessions in Kosovo (after 1365). Helped by the test, the prince Lazar won Skopje and the northern part of the area (no later than 1376/1377) and ruled them to the Ottoman conquest (1391/1392). He participated in the Battle of Kosovo (1389). In the people’s work is presented as a traitor that is historically false. After the battle he became Osman Vasal, but because of co-operation with the Hungarians was expelled (after 1396). Lit.: M. Stevanova, Vuk Branksћ, Belgrade, 2004. B. Petr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БРАНКОВИЌ, Вук