Bulbilovski, Cyril (Kiro) (Skopje, 3. ⅴ 1920 – Ohrid, 24. IX 1989) – Photographer, film cameraman, screenwriter and director. Worked as a professional photographer, then as a movie cameraman, screenwriter and director in “Vardar Film” (1947). Director, cameraman or screenwriter is the documentary films “The livestock today” (1948), “Macedonian tobacco” (1954), “the guests in his native region” (1957), “Sphinx” (1961), “Newsletter” 77 “(1978),” silky thread “(1970), etc. Director of the photograph of films “Frosina”, “Days of temptation” (1965), “Where after the rain,” “The longest road”, etc. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИЛБИЛОВСКИ, Кирил