BETAR (Brit Trumperdor) (Skopje, 1923) – Jewish youth organization in Macedonia, a militant revisionist Zionist organization with a branch in Bitola. Due to the militant appearance of its members, it was unpopular among members of communities and Skopje and Bitola. In Skopje, the Ken managed Victor Avraham Kasututo. The organization was in constant clash with members of the youth organization “Hashomer Hacair”. Lit.: Gorgi Tsolev Dimovski, Bitola Jews, Bitola, 1993; Zenny Bread, Tide and Slim of Historje Yemea Vardarzke Macedonia, Gornovac, 1990. J. NAM.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕТАР