Chahovic, Xenophon (Ohrid, 7. and 1898 – Paris, France, 7. and 1956) – Spec. Paintingoma, pathophysiologist and oncologist, UNIV. Professor and Academician (SANU). Honey. f. And the PMF ended and received a PhD (on both) in Lyon, France (1922). One of the founders of the oncological science in the SFRY. He formed oncological and other institutes of honey. f. in Belgrade. It actively studied the endemic goals in Macedonia. He published over 300 papers. Exhibition: Archive of honey. f. In Belgrade; Medical Encyclopedia, T. 9, Zagreb, 1964, 398-399. BIB.: Tumors, and-ⅱ, Belgrade, 1954; General and Special Pathological Anatomy, Belgrade, 1956; General pathology, Belgrade, 1956. Fig. M. P.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШАХОВИЌ, Ксенофон